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Dental Care Tips

Why Sports Drinks Put Teeth At Risk

Many health-conscious men and women exercise regularly, and some depend on sports drinks for hydration.

Many health-conscious men and women exercise regularly, and some depend on sports drinks for hydration.While it's true that they help maintain electrolyte levels in the body (and pose fewer health risks than energy drinks), their acidity can erode tooth enamel. And when tooth enamel is compromised, those pearly whites are more staining, discoloration, and decay.

Nobody wants discolored teeth, so next time you're at the gym, try substituting water for sports drinks.

If you have already spotted staining or tooth discoloration and would like to know more about porcelain veneers orteeth whitening, give VeroDental a call at 801-901-8851.We are a distinctive dental practice that offers:

cosmetic dentistrydental implantssedation dentistry

doctor Alexander Harris has been providing trusted dental care since 2021. The trustworthy staff here can answer any questions you have about critical preventative oral care and cosmetic dentistry procedures such as veneers, gum contouring, invisible braces, tooth-colored fillings and cosmetic dental smile makeovers.

Contact VeroDental:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

139 N Hunters Grove Ln, Ste 100Lehi, Utah84043

ArticleID 4797

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