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Dental Care Tips

To Chew Or Not To Chew

You know there can be benefits to gum chewing, but isn't it a big risk for tooth decay?

Hello gum chewers! In this post from VeroDental in Lehi UT we're going to talk about that sticky wad in your mouth. You know there can be benefits to gum chewing, but isn't it a big risk for tooth decay?It really depends on the type of gum. Chewing regular sucrose-based gum may be helpful in removing bits of food from the surface of teeth, but that benefit is negated by the stream of sugar washing over your teeth as you chew.However, gum with some alternative sweeteners has an added benefit for your pearly whites. Xylitol is a sweetener which not only has fewer calories than traditional sugars, but it also has antimicrobial properties that lessen plaque build-up. This means that xylitol inhibits the growth of bacteria that causes decay.So if you're headed out to a restaurant, bring a pack of sugar-free gum with you and pop it in your mouth when your meal is done. Of course, brushing and flossing are the ideal practices for your oral health, but when you can't brush, select a sugarless gum with xylitol.At VeroDental in Lehi UT we offer complete cosmetic dentistry. Patients from American Fork and Highland also come to our office for restorative dentistry, dental implants, and much more. Call to schedule your next checkup with us today!

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139 N Hunters Grove Ln, Ste 100Lehi, Utah84043

ArticleID 3888

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